Her next son, Richard Chenevix Trench, born on 9 September 1807, was romantic enough in his youth (1830-31) to travel to Spain intending to support a revolution against the Bourbons headed by José Torrijos
Family and Intimate relationships
Maria Theresa Kemble
John Mitchell Kemble, the first of MTK's five children, was born on 11 April 1807. After a crazy youthful enterprise when he and some university contemporaries (notably Richard Chenevix Trench, son of...
Melesina Trench
The Times featured an excerpt from MT's Journal kept during a Visit to Germany in 1799, 1800, privately printed by one of her sons, Richard Chenevix Trench, as a trial run for a larger selection.
Kittredge, Katharine. “Melesina Chenevix St. John Trench (1768-1827)”. The Female Spectator (1995-), Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2006– 2025, pp. 4-6.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Trench, Melesina. The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench. Editor Trench, Richard Chenevix, Second edition, revised, Parker and Bourn, 1862.
Textual Production
Melesina Trench
MT's son Richard Chenevix Trench published The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench: selections from her journals, with letters, poems, and prose sketches interspersed.
Kittredge, Katharine. “Melesina Chenevix St. John Trench (1768-1827)”. The Female Spectator (1995-), Vol.