Otto Lampel

Standard Name: Lampel, Otto


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Friends, Associates Eleanor Farjeon
Her brother Herbert said, Nellie is the best friend of everyone who knows her.
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae.
Her important friends of later life, too many to list, included the Czech pianist Otto Lampel , who was displaced...
Textual Production Eleanor Farjeon
This does not exhaust the list of EF 's contributions to dramatic works by Bertie. A wildly ambitious grand-scale operetta called The Great Alexis was planned in collaboration with Otto Lampel in 1941, but came...
Textual Production Eleanor Farjeon
EF wrote but did not publish several personal pieces. In The American Adventure Farjeon, who had been candid about herself as a child in A Bad Day for Martha (published in 1928), wrote for herself...


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