She was the third of her parents' four children. An elder brother, Harcourt Frederick Cory, had died at sixteen months. She had one elder and one younger sister. While not known by as many...
Family and Intimate relationships
Laurence Hope
Isabel Edith Cory, LH's elder sister, who was born and died in India, assisted their father with the Sind Gazette and then edited it for eight years after his death. Isabel committed suicide...
Family and Intimate relationships
Victoria Cross
Both of VC's sisters were involved in literary activities. The elder, Isabel Edith Cory, was born and died in India. Isabel assisted their father with the Sind Gazette and edited it for eight...
Textual Production
Laurence Hope
She assisted her father in his work on the Civil and Military Gazette when the family lived in Lahore, and when he fell ill she (presumably along with her sister Isabel, if not...
Wealth and Poverty
Laurence Hope
When Albert Cory died on 15 January 1903 he left most of his estate to his eldest daughter, who was by then Isabel Tate, and a widow. LH, her mother and her other...
Wealth and Poverty
Victoria Cross
Albert Cory left his daughter VC a legacy of £20 per annum; most of his estate went to his eldest daughter, Isabel, who was then a widow.
Mitchell, Charlotte. Victoria Cross, 1868-1952: A Bibliography. Victorian Fiction Research Unit, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, The University of Queensland, 2002.