Eliza Anne Rutherford

Standard Name: Rutherford, Eliza Anne


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Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF 's daughter, Eliza Anne Rutherford , died in New York after a long period of delining health, leaving four young children.
Paul, Lissa. Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist. University of Delaware Press.
Jaco, Nicholas T. Email about Eliza Fenwick to Isobel Grundy.
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF arranged for her daughter Eliza Anne to give lessons in the Mocatta household in drawing and singing.
Paul, Lissa. Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist. University of Delaware Press.
Eliza Anne had already embarked on an acting career. She was performing in private theatres in...
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fenwick
EF bore her daughter, Eliza Anne (baptised on this day), the elder of her two surviving children and a future actress and schoolmistress.
Paul, Lissa. Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist. University of Delaware Press.
Occupation Eliza Fenwick
The school run by EF and her daughter at New Haven was the object of a hate campaign.
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2ndnd ed, Broadview, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
Occupation Eliza Fenwick
EF and her daughter Eliza Anne Rutherford opened their next school on State Street, New Haven, Connecticut, promising, in a newspaper advertisement on 26 August 1822, to teach both boarders and day-girls every useful...
Occupation Eliza Fenwick
EF 's daughter advertised in the Barbados Mercury-Gazette a new girls' school in Bridgetown, Barbados, which she would run with Fenwick (who, however, only arrived to join her nearly a year later).
Paul, Lissa. “Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840): Morality, Motherhood and the Colonial Encounter in Early Nineteenth Century Bridgetown”. Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Vol.
, pp. 98-112.
Residence Eliza Fenwick
EF , after many doubts about whether to join her daughter, Eliza Anne , in Barbados, embarked with her son Orlando on the two-month voyage there.
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2ndnd ed, Broadview, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
Residence Eliza Fenwick
EF , her daughter Eliza Anne Rutherford , four grandchildren, Servant, Dog, Cat, Parrot, & Macaw,
Grundy, Isobel, and Eliza Fenwick. “Introduction and Appendices”. Secresy, 2ndnd ed, Broadview, pp. 7 - 34, 361.
arrived from Bridgetown, Barbados, at New Haven, Connecticut.
Paul, Lissa. Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist. University of Delaware Press.
Paul, Lissa. “Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840): Morality, Motherhood and the Colonial Encounter in Early Nineteenth Century Bridgetown”. Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Vol.
, pp. 98-112.


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