Agnes Wheeler

Standard Name: Wheeler, Agnes
Birth Name: Agnes Coward
Married Name: Agnes Wheeler
Indexed Name: Ann Wheeler
Pseudonym: A Citizen of the World
Pseudonym: A. W.
AW was one of several women who wrote during the eighteenth century about dialect forms of English. She published two books and left unpublished writings as well. She wrote plays and sketches of local life, and shows skill both in the story and the dialogue form. Only one published book by her is known, though she refers to a number of works in manuscript.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lucy Hutton
The couple had two sons, one of whom (named William after his father) was still alive in 1811. The elder William Hutton was a remarkable man, who like his wife expressed in writing his original...
Friends, Associates Lucy Hutton
She was probably acquainted with another local writer, Agnes Wheeler, who lived in a remote corner of Beetham parish and who like William Hutton published a book in the provincial idiom: The Westmorland Dialect, 1790.


No timeline events available.


Wheeler, Agnes. “Introduction”. Westmorland Dialogues, edited by Leonard Smith, Lensden, 2011.
Wheeler, Agnes. The Westmorland Dialect. James Ashburner, 1790.