Perry, Ruth. The Celebrated Mary Astell: An Early English Feminist. University of Chicago Press.
Lady Betty was a wealthy woman celebrated for her piety, intellectual accomplishments, and benefactions...
Friends, Associates
Anne Finch
enjoyed personal friendships with a number of distinguished men, among them Bishop Thomas Ken
. She valued female friendship very highly; women friends figure prominently in her poetry. Lady Catherine Jones
, to whom...
Textual Production
Anne Finch
wrote a religious poem for the occasion, addressed to her friend Lady Catherine Jones
(who was also a friend of Mary Astell
Finch, Anne. The Anne Finch Wellesley Manuscript Poems: A Critical Edition. Editors McGovern, Barbara and Charles H. Hinnant, University of Georgia Press.
Wealth and Poverty
Mary Astell
Astell was not above accepting financial help from her upper-class circle. Lady Betty Hastings
regularly paid her sums of money in her later years, and Lady Catherine Jones
, Lady Coventry
, and Elizabeth Hutcheson