Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Catherine Marsh
Standard Name: Marsh, Catherine
Pseudonym: Ianthe
Pseudonym: Credo
Catherine Marsh
was always an avid writer since she was a small child, and first tried, unsuccessfully, to publish her writing (a romance) in the autumn of her twelfth year.
O’Rorke, Lucy. The Life and Friendships of Catherine Marsh. Longmans, Green & Co., 1917.
Her first successful publication, The Victory Won, probably in 1853, was about a pious deathbed, the victory being that of a soul won for God. From that point on she published several other works, mostly uplifting biographies of Christian soldiers (and notably of her father) and religious texts with patriotic overtones, often relating to the working classes. These works sold in massive numbers.