Lawrence Williams

Standard Name: Williams, Lawrence


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Dorothy Whipple
Colonel and Mrs Williams , the owners of Parciau, were far from pleased at finding themselves and their lives portrayed in fiction.
Conville, David, and Dorothy Whipple. “Afterword”. The Priory, Persephone Books, pp. 529-36.
The novel, however, was again a Book Society Choice.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
It was...
Travel Dorothy Whipple
DW and her husband stayed as paying guests with Colonel Lawrence Williams and his wife, Henrietta , at a house named Parciau on the island of Anglesey.
Conville, David, and Dorothy Whipple. “Afterword”. The Priory, Persephone Books, pp. 529-36.
531, 533


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