Deborah Simonton

Standard Name: Simonton, Deborah


No connections available.


1695: As an index of the decline of brewing as...

Building item


As an index of the decline of brewing as women's work, historian Deborah Simonton notes that Aberdeen had only ten female brewers this year, compared to 150 in the previous century.
Simonton, Deborah. A History of European Women’s Work, 1700 to the Present. Routledge, 1998.

1725: As an index of the decline of brewing as...

Building item


As an index of the decline of brewing as women's work, historian Deborah Simonton notes that Edinburgh had only seven female brewers this year, compared to 230 in the sixteenth century.
Simonton, Deborah. A History of European Women’s Work, 1700 to the Present. Routledge, 1998.

1794: In his General View of the County of Westmorland,...

Building item


In his General View of the County of Westmorland, Andrew Pringle reported that although generally horse work was men's work, in Westmorland women often drove teams of three or four harnessed to ploughs or...


Simonton, Deborah. A History of European Women’s Work, 1700 to the Present. Routledge, 1998.