Margaret Tyler

Standard Name: Tyler, Margaret
Birth Name: Margaret
Married Name: Margaret Tyler
MT wrote and published, in the later sixteenth century, an English translation of a large segment of a still larger Spanish romance of chivalry, together with comments on her own authorship in relation to her sex and age, in her dedication and prefatory remarks. She has been credited with two firsts: she was the first woman in England to publish a romance, albeit not original, and the first English translator of Spanish romance to work from the original and not from a French intermediary.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Lady Hester Pulter
In the same volume as her poems, LHP's scribe copied the first part of The Unfortunate Florinda. Pulter herself made some corrections, and her unfinished draft of the second part, on loose sheets...


No timeline events available.


Tyler, Margaret. “Introductory Note”. Margaret Tyler, edited by Kathryn Coad, Scolar Press; Ashgate, 1996, p. ix - xi.
Tyler, Margaret. Margaret Tyler. Editor Coad, Kathryn, Scolar Press; Ashgate, 1996.
Calahorra, Diego Ortúñez de. The Mirrour of Princely Deedes and Knighthood. Translator Tyler, Margaret, Thomas East, 1578.