William Procter

Standard Name: Procter, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Rachel Speght
William Procter , husband or more probably widower of RS , was reported to have died of cancer of the mouth and throat: a death which his enemies did not scruple to attribute to the...
Family and Intimate relationships Rachel Speght
RS married at St Mary Woolchurch, London (not one of her father's two parish churches), a clergyman named William Procter .
Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer, and Rachel Speght. “Introduction”. The Polemics and Poems of Rachel Speght, Oxford University Press, p. xi - xxxvi.
Speight, Helen. “Rachel Speght’s Polemical Life”. Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 449-63.
Family and Intimate relationships Rachel Speght
William Procter , husband of the former poet RS , was one of dozens of clergymen indicted in Suffolk on a charge of scandalous behaviour: that is, political and theological opinions offensive to some of his parishioners.
Speight, Helen. “Rachel Speght’s Polemical Life”. Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 449-63.
politics Rachel Speght
His parish of Stradishall had apparently been riven by dissension for years. The charges against William Procter originated with four men and a woman from the parish, but were backed by thirty-five accusations from twenty...
Residence Rachel Speght
Following her husband 's ejectment from his living, RS and her children lost their comfortable rectory home and were forced to move to other quarters, though they remained at Stradishall.
Speight, Helen. “Rachel Speght’s Polemical Life”. Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 449-63.
Textual Production Rachel Speght
A generation after publishing her poetry, Rachel Procter (formerly RS ) submitted the first of two petitions in connection with her husband 's ejectment from his parish: this one lays claim to one-fifth of his...
Textual Production Rachel Speght
Rachel Procter (formerly RS ) submitted a second petition, requesting that the man who had taken over her husband 's forfeited benefice should be liable for the excise payments on it.
Speight, Helen. “Rachel Speght’s Polemical Life”. Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 449-63.
Violence Rachel Speght
A drunken soldier from the parliamentary army got into a quarrel with RS 's husband, William Procter , and threatened him with the law.
Speight, Helen. “Rachel Speght’s Polemical Life”. Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 449-63.


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