Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mary Wollstonecraft | MW enjoyed her first real love-affair; in a small house at Neuilly near Paris, she received regular visits from her lover, Gilbert Imlay, an American citizen. Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992. 185-90 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mary Wollstonecraft | Imlay, the father, kept well away from her. When she returned from France to England she found him living with another woman. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mary Wollstonecraft | She was deeply grieved and angry at the defection of Imlay. His commission to her to transact business in Scandinavia named her as Mary Imlay and called her my best friend and wife. This... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Mary Wollstonecraft | Johnson published MW's Historical and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the French Revolution, written during her affair with Imlay. Kelly, Gary. Revolutionary Feminism: The Mind and Career of Mary Wollstonecraft. Macmillan, 1992. 152-3 Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992. 210, 214 Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Editor Poston, Carol H., 2nd edition, Norton, 1988. 359 |
Textual Features | Marjorie Bowen | Her Mary Wollstonecraft is a warm-hearted, passionate woman, deserving of praise for surviving her extraordinarily difficult childhood, and for her commitment to making a decent life for herself amid chaotic circumstances. To Bowen, Wollstonecraft's relationship... |
Textual Features | Mary Wollstonecraft | They included The first book of a series of lessons for children (written for MW's elder daughter, Fanny Imlay); a series of personal letters addressed to Imlay (passionately expressive, ruggedly self-analytical), and to... |
Textual Production | Mary Wollstonecraft | Some critics think that The Emigrants, a novel published on this day with the name of MW's lover Gilbert Imlay, may in fact be her work. Cole, John R. “Imlays Ghost: Wollstonecrafts Authorship of The EmigrantsEighteenth-Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture, edited by Linda V. Troost, Vol. 1 , 2001, pp. 263-98. 265 Green, Katherine Sobba. The Courtship Novel, 1740-1820: A Feminized Genre. University Press of Kentucky, 1991. 96 |
Travel | Mary Wollstonecraft | Gilbert Imlay, her former lover, signed an official document commissioning MW to travel to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark to trace an illicit cargo on which he was owed money. Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Editors Mee, Jon and Tone Brekke, Oxford University Press, 2009. 135-6 |
Travel | Mary Wollstonecraft | MW travelled in Scandinavia, seeking to trace the fate of an illegal cargo of precious metals which Imlay (a keen trader in illicit products) had lost sight of, and to reclaim money owed on it. Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992. 227-9 |
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