Francis Coventry

Standard Name: Coventry, Francis


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Intertextuality and Influence Catherine Gore
In this unusual book CG seems to stand mid-way between Coventry in Pompey, 1752 (using her canine protagonist for intimate satire on the chiefly female upper classes), and Virginia Woolf in Flush, 1933...
Literary responses Eliza Haywood
In the Monthly Review, Ralph Griffiths passed a judgement which was inflected against Betsy Thoughtless by issues of gender. He guessed that the author was female because of the novel's attention to matters of...
Textual Features Frances Power Cobbe
It is, as the subtitle Reported by Her Mistress suggests, written in the voice of the author's Pomeranian.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Confessions of a Lost Dog. Griffith and Farran.
It thus follows the tradition of the dog narrators of Francis Coventry 's Pompey the Little...
Textual Features Alethea Lewis
She heads her novel with a prefatory letter to the Rev. William Johnstone , who, she says, has asked why she chooses to write fiction and not moral essays. She answers that novels offer opportunities...
Textual Production Catherine Gore
CG in The Story of a Royal Favourite followed in the footsteps of Francis Coventry in Pompey the Little, by choosing a dog as her satirical narrator of the scandals of high life.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online.
Textual Production Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
Jan Fergus notes that the title mention of a dog may have raised false expectations of satire through a naive observer in the manner of Francis Coventry 's The History of Pompey the Little; or...


1752: Francis Coventry anonymously published The...

Writing climate item


Francis Coventry anonymously published The History of Pompey the Little; or, the life and adventures of a lap-dog, a novelà clef which satirizes Pompey's successive owners.


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