Colin MacInnes

Standard Name: MacInnes, Colin


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Family and Intimate relationships Angela Thirkell
Colin , second son of Angela McInnes (later AT ) was born; he later became a successful novelist.
Phillips, Caryl. “Kingdom of the blind”. The Guardian, 17 July 2004, pp. Review 4 - 6.
Strickland, Margot. Angela Thirkell: Portrait of a Lady Novelist. Duckworth, 1977.
Literary responses Angela Thirkell
AT never over-estimated her own talent. She wrote that she and her fictional alter-ego, Laura Morland, each write the same book each year with unfailing regularity, and called her own work not very good books...
Literary responses Shelagh Delaney
The race issue received astonishingly little attention from reviewers, probably because SD was so far ahead of her time in acknowledging its existence. However, Colin MacInnes (himself homosexual and author of the novel City of...
Literary responses Angela Thirkell
Trooper to the Southern Cross is said to be the only work by AT that her novelist son Colin MacInnes would admit to liking, and to be among the favourite reading of Barry Humphries ...
Literary responses Angela Thirkell
Penelope Fritzer suspects that AT 's lesbians are a comment on the work of her novelist son Colin , but his portrayals of gritty, male, urban homosexuality were still in the future.
Fritzer, Penelope. Ethnicity and Gender in the Barsetshire Novels of Angela Thirkell. Greenwood Press, 1999.


1957: Colin MacInnes (son of novelist Angela Thirkell)...

Writing climate item


Colin MacInnes (son of novelist Angela Thirkell ) published the first of his three London novels of the 1950s, City of Spades, a pioneering study of immigrant Black society in Britain.
Phillips, Caryl. “Kingdom of the blind”. The Guardian, 17 July 2004, pp. Review 4 - 6.


Leverson, Ada, and Colin MacInnes. The Little Ottleys. MacGibbon and Kee, 1962.