Hannah Glasse

Standard Name: Glasse, Hannah
Birth Name: Hannah Allgood
Married Name: Hannah Glasse
Pseudonym: A Lady
HG is the most famous of all eighteenth-century cookery writers—that is, her best-known text became almost universally known, while the facts about her life remained until recently unknown.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Ann Cook
The close friend and fellow cook with whom AC corresponded, and who figures so largely in her published book, is never named. Cook seems not to have been a personal acquaintance of Hannah Glasse ...
Intertextuality and Influence Eliza Haywood
The Monthly Review cited the judgement of good housewives to indicate that this was a well designed and valuable tract. A publisher putting out another edition in 1750 called it the cheapest and most useful...
Literary responses Mary Hays
William Frend had read the work in manuscript and been much pleased, though he took the liberty of suggesting a few revisions.
qtd. in
Hays, Mary. The Correspondence (1779-1843) of Mary Hays, British Novelist. Editor Brooks, Marilyn, Edwin Mellen, 2004.
Reviewers linked MH with Wollstonecraft, with results more often hostile than...
Material Conditions of Writing Ann Cook
AC had a grudge against Glasse dating back to the feud between her family and Glasse's half-brother, Lancelot Allgood (Esquire Flash in her book), who had, she said, ruined their livelihood.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
She expresses a marked...
Occupation Ann Cook
AC calls herself a profess'd [that is, professional] Cook before her marriage, and as eighteen years an inn-keeper. She joined with her husband and later with her children too in running the Black Bull inn...
Publishing Elizabeth Cobbold
The frontispiece features a portrait of the cookery writer Hannah Glasse (drawn by EC herself), who is heroicised in the text. This poem answers The Sovereign, a poem by Charles Small Pybus , addressed...
Textual Features Isabella Beeton
As it turned out, however, most of the recipes and information in the book came from published sources, though two popular cookery books directed at the middle classes, Hannah Glasse 's The Art of Cookery...
Textual Features Ann Cook
AC uses heroic couplets in her opening address To the Reader, to express her anger at Hannah Glasse , whom she calls the Lady. The words a Lady
Cook, Ann. Professed Cookery. White, 1754.
on Glasse's title-page, she...
Textual Production Ann Cook
AC was provoked by the success of Hannah Glasse 's anonymous Art of Cookery to write her own work in the same genre: Professed Cookery.
The ESTC lists only one surviving copy of the...


20 April 1769: In Millar vs. Taylor the Court of King's...

Writing climate item

20 April 1769

In Millar vs. Taylor the Court of King's Bench confirmed the continuing existence of perpetual copyright: a decision overturned five years later by Donaldson vs. Becket.
Ross, Trevor. “Copyright and the Invention of Tradition”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1992, pp. 1-27.
7 and n14


Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. Printed for the author, and sold at Mrs. Ashburn’s, a china shop, 1747.
Glasse, Hannah. The Compleat Confectioner. Printed, and sold by I. Pottinger and J. Williams.
Glasse, Hannah. The Servant’s Directory. Printed for the author and sold by W. Johnston, 1760.