
Standard Name: Naimbana


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anna Maria Falconbridge
AMF represents herself as getting on well socially with upper-class Africans in Sierra Leone, though she did not take African distinctions of rank entirely seriously. She behaved with at least outward respect to King Naimbana
Occupation Anna Maria Falconbridge
They brought with them to England Prince John Frederick, a son of chief Naimbana, to be educated there. AMF thought highly of his intelligence (if not of his character), and taught him first the...
Textual Features Anna Maria Falconbridge
AMF's degree of irony is sometimes hard to gauge. She describes Naimbana's Court in session at Robana, the king seated between his secretary and his Palavar man; or, as the office is...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Anna Maria Falconbridge
At Bance Island AMF describes her first sight of many of my own sex, though of different complexions from myself, attired in their native garbs—which, she says, often offended her delicacy. She notes sardonically...


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