Shirley Neuman

Standard Name: Neuman, Shirley
Used Form: S. C. Neuman


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Literary responses Gertrude Stein
From the time when the Atlantic Monthly published the first serial instalments of this book, English readers as well as American were enthusiastic, and enthusiasm grew with its appearance as a volume.
Brinnin, John Malcolm, and John Ashbery. The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and her World. Addison-Wesley.
Hobhouse, Janet. Everybody Who was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein. Doubleday.
Textual Features Gertrude Stein
Critic Shirley Neuman sees this opera as an important step towards the final version of Ida.GS 's Faustus (unlike Marlowe 's or Goethe 's) is tormented by the fact that he cannot go...


No timeline events available.


Neuman, Shirley. “’Would a Viper Have Stung Her if She Had Only Had One Name?’: <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights</span&gt”;. Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature, edited by Ira Bruce Nadel and Shirley Neuman, MacMillan, 1988, pp. 168-93.
Barbour, Douglas. “Day thoughts on Anne Wilkinson’s poetry”. A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing, edited by Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamboureli, Longspoon/NeWest, 1986, pp. 179-90.
Williamson, Janice. “Framed by history: Marjorie Pickthall’s devices and desire”. A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing, edited by Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamboureli, Longspoon/NeWest, 1986, pp. 167-78.
Neuman, Shirley. Gertrude Stein: Autobiography and the Problem of Narration. English Literary Studies, Department of English, University of Victoria, 1979.
Sayre, Henry M. et al. “The Artist’s Model: American Art and the Question of Looking like Getrude Stein”. Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature, edited by Shirley Neuman and Shirley Neuman, Northeaster University Press, 1988, pp. 21-41.