Meiling Jin

Standard Name: Jin, Meiling
Birth Name: Meiling Jin
A poet, children's writer, and short-story writer , MJ is known for her her trenchant autobiographical approaches to social issues. As well as writing poetry and short stories, she is also a radio broadcaster and a film maker. She has written and produced a play and has worked on a serial for radio soap opera.
“Meiling Jin”. the best in Caribbean writing.


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Jin, Meiling. “ESL Activities: World Geography and the Rainbow Alliance; I Essential Ingredients”. Racism No Way: Anti-racism education for Australian Schools.
Jin, Meiling, and Hiang Kee. Gifts from My Grandmother. Sheba Feminist, 1985.
Jin, Meiling. “Lovers; Strangers in a Hostile Landscape; The Knock; Biography”. Creation Fire, edited by Ramabai Espinet, Sister Vision; CAFRA, 1990, pp. 93; 129 -53.
Jin, Meiling. Song of the Boatwoman. Peepal Tree, 1996.
Jin, Meiling. “The Tall Shadow; Biography”. Don’t Ask Me Why, edited by Da Choong et al., Black Womantalk, 1991, pp. 45 - 54; 353.
Jin, Meiling. The Thieving Summer. Hamish Hamilton, 1993.
Jin, Meiling. “World Geography and the Rainbow Alliance”. Black Women Talk Poetry, Black Womantalk, 1987.