Saunders Welch

Standard Name: Welch, Saunders


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Charlotte Lennox
She met Sarah Fielding at Richardson's house, and became friendly also with Henry Fielding , Saunders Welch (the philanthropist, who later offered her employment), and Lord Orrery . She was presumably the Mrs Lenox with...
Occupation Charlotte Lennox
CL had the two daughters of Saunders Welch , Mary and Anne, living in her house at Camberwell Green for their education.
Isles, Duncan. “The Lennox Collection (Continued)”. Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 36-60.
Carlile, Susan. Charlotte Lennox. An Independent Mind. University of Toronto Press.
Textual Features Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
This work extends and deepens the pictures given in her first book of reminiscences both of Johnson and his circle and of other people including women writers. LMH expresses admiration for Hester Piozzi 's letter...


22 May 1758: Saunders Welch published A Proposal to Render...

Building item

22 May 1758

Saunders Welch published A Proposal to Render Effectual a Plan, to Remove the Nuisance of Common Prostitution from the Streets of the Metropolis.

10 August 1758: The Magdalen Hospital (for fallen women)...

Building item

10 August 1758

The Magdalen Hospital (for fallen women) opened in Prescot Street, London, after a considerable campaign to influence public opinion.


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