Julia Constance Fletcher

Standard Name: Fletcher, Julia Constance
JCF, or George Fleming, a US national, lived a cosmopolitan life in which her literary activity was largely centred in England during the period 1875-1908. She began with short fiction for magazines, and moved on to novels, short fiction, and then to plays. She lived as a New Woman, but her writings, mostly comedy and satire, depict the high cost of rigid social custom (poverty, class structures, systemic anti-feminism) with apparent detachment rather than overt protest. Occasionally, however, a strong feminist voice breaks through.


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Intertextuality and Influence Charlotte O'Conor Eccles
COCE headed her book with two lines from Thomas Campion : Alas, poor book . . . go spread thy papery wings. / Thy lightness cannot help or hurt my fame.
qtd. in
O’Conor Eccles, Charlotte. Modern Men. Leadenhall Press, 1887.
She walks a...


No timeline events available.


Fleming, George. For Plain Women Only. Bodley Head, 1895.
Fleming, George. “For The Last Time”. Atlantic Monthly, Vol.
, No. 223, pp. 521-3, http://search.ebscohost.com.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip&db=h9m&AN=60626532&site=ehost-live&scope=site&kw=true&acc=false&lpId=divl9&ppId=divp15&twPV=&xOff=0&yOff=0&zm=fit&fs=&rot=0&docMapOpen=true&pageMapOpen=true.
Fleming, George. Little Stories About Women. Grant Richards, 1897.
Fleming, George. “On a certain Deficiency in Women”. Universal Review, Vol.
, No. 3, 1888, pp. 398-06.
Fleming, George. “Playing With Fire”. The Overland Monthly, Vol.
, No. 1; 2, pp. 31-40; 130, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.b4073290&view=1up&seq=9&skin=2021.
Rostand, Edmond. The Fantasticks. Translator Fleming, George, Robert Howard Russell, 1900.
Fleming, George. “The Strange Story of Margaret Beauchamp”. Macmillan’s Magazine, 1859-1907, Vol.
, No. 327; 328, pp. 174-182; 282, https://www.proquest.com/britishperiodicals/docview/6162453/CF6EF41E5A814451PQ/3?accountid=14474&imgSeq=1; https://www.proquest.com/britishperiodicals/docview/5811220/A1375374F8CF48BDPQ/6?accountid=14474&imgSeq=1.
Fleming, George. The Truth About Clement Ker. Roberts Brothers, 1889.
Fleming, George. Vestigia. Macmillan and Co., 1884.