Elizabeth Dow Leonard

Standard Name: Leonard, Elizabeth Dow


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Family and Intimate relationships Tabitha Tenney
According to the memoirist Elizabeth Dow Leonard (who does not inspire confidence) Samuel Tenney had a defective knowledge of the law and was a brawny, raw-boned and awkward but very good man.
Tenney, Tabitha. “Introduction”. Female Quixotism, edited by Jean Nienkamp and Andrea Collins, Oxford University Press, 1992, p. xiii - xxxi.
Leisure and Society Tabitha Tenney
Elizabeth Dow Leonard also dubiously claims that TT was self-consciously statuesque and sentimental, known for the slowness of her speech.
Tenney, Tabitha. “Introduction”. Female Quixotism, edited by Jean Nienkamp and Andrea Collins, Oxford University Press, 1992, p. xiii - xxxi.
Literary responses Tabitha Tenney
Elizabeth Dow Leonard , in memoirs published seventy-seven years after Female Quixotism, called it a superlatively silly book (on the word of those who had read it, since she herself had not), and claimed...


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