Recent criticism, however, has valued this volume highly. Ana I. Parejo Vadillo
argues that its achievement is not only that the subject, the observer, is given sexual agency, but that the object is given agency...
Michael Field
After being ignored (or scorned) during parts of their writing life, Katharine Harris Bradley and Edith Cooper have been resurrected in recent years by literary scholars interested in the rich field their work offers for...
Textual Features
Michael Field
The preface declares that [t]he aim of this little volume is, as far as may be, to translate into verse what the lines and colours of certain chosen pictures sing in themselves; to express not...
No timeline events available.
Ehnenn, Jill. “Come to Me”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, pp. 32-4.
Ehnenn, Jill. “Looking Strategically: Feminist and Queer Aesthetics in Michael Fields Sight and SongVictorian Poetry, Vol.