Donna Landry

Standard Name: Landry, Donna


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Elizabeth Bentley
On the proceeds of her first book EB opened (with her mother) a small school, the income from which (at the rate of twopence a week per child) supported them both. Of one of these...
Literary responses Mary Collier
Donna Landry , in her pioneering book about labouring-class woman poets, attributed to MC a religious conservatism which she said she would rather believe that Collier was assuming to please her patrons. She nevertheless finds...
Literary responses Ann Yearsley
Elizabeth Isabella Spence , reporting on a visit to Bristol, mentions AY as an example of an obscure woman writer of genius.
Spence, Elizabeth Isabella. Summer Excursions. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809, 2 vols.
In 1990 Donna Landry wrote of her complex contradictions under the heading...
Literary responses Elizabeth Hands
A brief notice in the Analytical Review written (probably) by Mary Wollstonecraft early in the year after publication treated EH fairly scathingly.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft. Editors Todd, Janet and Marilyn Butler, Pickering, 1989, 7 vols.
7: 203
George Ogle in the Monthly Review and Roger Gough in the...
Literary responses Mary Leapor
The emphasis placed on ML by Roger Lonsdale in his revolutionary Eighteenth-Century Women Poets, 1989, was welcomed by reviewers.
Leapor, Mary. “Introduction”. Poems, edited by Ann Messenger and Richard Greene, 2003.
Donna Landry , virtually originating the late twentieth-century interest in labouring-class women poets of this...
Reception Janet Little
Donna Landry has written that JL 's poems bespeak a national and cultural conflict worked out in a warring of literary languages.
Landry, Donna. The Muses of Resistance. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
In To My Aunty, in particular, says Landry, Little capitalizes upon...


No timeline events available.


Landry, Donna. “Coleridge’s Boots and Sophie Dixon’s Books: Problems in Construing Literary Evidence for a New Cultural History”. British Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Women Writers Conference, Lawrence, KS.
Landry, Donna. Invention of the Countryside: Hunting, Walking, and Ecology in English Literature, 1671-1831. Palgrave, 2001.
Landry, Donna. “The Labouring-Class Women Poets”. Women and Poetry, 1660-1750, edited by Sarah Prescott and David Shuttleton, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. 223-43.
Landry, Donna. The Muses of Resistance. Cambridge University Press, 1990.