Diana Primrose

DP is an unidentified early seventeenth-century poet who calls herself a Noble Lady;
Primrose, Diana. “A Chaine of Pearle”. The Poets I, edited by Susanne Woods et al., Facsimile, Ashgate.
she has royalist and some feminist ideas.


15 January 1630

The only known work by the unidentified DP , A Chaine of Pearle; or, a Memorial of . . . Queen Elizabeth (a sequence of ten poems) was entered in the Stationers' Register ; it was published the same year.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.


A Chaine of Pearle

15 January 1630

The only known work by the unidentified DP , A Chaine of Pearle; or, a Memorial of . . . Queen Elizabeth (a sequence of ten poems) was entered in the Stationers' Register ; it was published the same year.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.