Marie-Madeleine de Lafayette

MML , writing in France in the late seventeenth century, originated there the new form of the novel: shorter, less diffuse, more vigorous in its emotional effect than the long, many-storied, courtly romances. She was chiefly admired in England for La princesse de Clèves, 1678.


Before 18 March 1634

MML was born in the parish of Saint-Sulpice in Paris; she was baptised on this day.
Haig, Stirling. Madame de Lafayette. Twayne.

17 March 1678

MML anonymously published her masterpiece, the novel La princesse de Clèves.
Green, Anne. Privileged Anonymity. Legenda.
Haig, Stirling. Madame de Lafayette. Twayne.

25 May 1693

MML died at the age of fifty-nine.
Haig, Stirling. Madame de Lafayette. Twayne.


Birth and Education

Before 18 March 1634

MML was born in the parish of Saint-Sulpice in Paris; she was baptised on this day.
Haig, Stirling. Madame de Lafayette. Twayne.