Ann Candler

AC , labouring-class poet of the late eighteenth century, was first noticed as a writer when her local clergyman gave charity to her needy family at Christmas and she wrote him a poem of thanks. To female patrons she wrote a letter explaining the circumstances of her life, which was printed with her poems.


18 November 1740

Ann More (later AC ) was born at Yoxford in Suffolk.
Feminist Companion Archive.


Ann Candler 's Poetical Attempts (mostly written in the workhouse) were published by subscription, largely through the good offices of Elizabeth Cobbold .
British Library Catalogue.
Feminist Companion Archive.

16 September 1814

AC died in her late sixties.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


Birth and Background

18 November 1740

Ann More (later AC ) was born at Yoxford in Suffolk.
Feminist Companion Archive.