Wynkyn de Worde

Standard Name: Worde, Wynkyn de


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Publishing Margery Kempe
The early printer Wynkyn de Worde printed seven pages from MK 's text as A Shorte Treatyse of Contemplacyon Taught by Our Lorde Ihesu Cryste.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, translated by. Barry A. Windeatt, Penguin, pp. 9-30.
Publishing Margaret Roper
Erasmus had published his commentary at Basel in Switzerland in 1523. The full title of Roper's translation was A Devout Treatise upon the Pater Noster, made fyrst in latyn by the moost famous doctour mayster...


: One of the best-known poems of John Skelton,...

Writing climate item


One of the best-known poems of John Skelton , The Bowge of Courte, probably dates from this season. It was printed by Wynkyn de Worde the following year.


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