Mary Chandler

Standard Name: Chandler, Mary
Birth Name: Mary Chandler
MC , writing in the earlier eighteenth century, became famous for a single poem, the A Description of Bath, whose chief interest is the way it functions as part of a local tourist economy. Her minor poems show her to have been independent-minded, witty, and trenchant. They include comic narrative, defence of the single life, and an epitaph for herself. She also wrote to write a theological text and a biblical paraphrase, which are not known to survive.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Mary Barber
Mary Chandler responded with praise of MB 's Lines with Wit and Humour fraught, / Pure as her Morals, sprightly as her Thought.
Budd, Adam. “’Merit in Distress’: The Troubled Success of Mary Barber”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, pp. 204-27.
Another English fellow-poet, Mary Jones (to whom Barber's Poems were lent...
Occupation Frances Seymour, Countess of Hertford
Among writers who received Lady Hertford's patronage were Elizabeth Singer Rowe , Elizabeth Boyd , Elizabeth Carter , Mary Chandler , Isaac Watts , Laurence Eusden (for whom she set topics of occasional poems), James Thomson
Textual Features Robert Southey
Against the trend of the times, RS aimed for historical interest rather than literary canonicity, compiling in his Specimens of the Later English Poets a collection of representative voices rather than a garland: The taste...
Textual Features Susanna Haswell Rowson
The title-page quotes Samuel Johnson asserting that an author has nothing but his own merits to stand or fall on. The Birth of Genius, an irregular ode, offers advice to my son to love...


1 December 1699: John Pomfret published The Choice, a poem...

Writing climate item

1 December 1699

John Pomfret published The Choice, a poem in praise of the good life; among many other poems sharing this title, or that of The Wish, Pomfret's became a long-lived favourite.


Chandler, Mary. A Description of Bath. James Leake, 1733.