Phyllis Morris

Standard Name: Morris, Phyllis


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Dodie Smith
She formed friendships around this time with other aspiring actresses, Esmé Wynne (who later, as Esmé Wynne-Tyson , wrote plays, novels, and journalism, and who was always supportive of Smith's career) and Phyllis Morris ...
Textual Production Dodie Smith
Fay Compton and Owen Nares played the leading roles, and Smith's friend Phyllis Morris first made her mark as a character actress.
Short, Ernest. Theatrical Cavalcade. Eyre and Spottiswoode.
Wynne-Tyson, Jon. Finding the Words: A Publishing Life. Michael Russell.
A few months later, in January 1936, another production opened at...


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