Beverly E. Schneller

Standard Name: Schneller, Beverly E.


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Literary responses Ethel Mannin
Critic Andy Croft calls these unremarkable novels, generic and conventional,
Croft, Andy. “Ethel Mannin: The Red Rose of Love and the Red Flower of Liberty”. Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers 1889-1939, edited by Angela Ingram and Daphne Patai, University of North Carolina Press, pp. 205-25.
but Beverly E. Schneller in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography says that Sounding Brass (which follows its power-hungry protagonist, Rickard, from young manhood...
Residence Mona Caird
Beverly E. Schneller in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography writes of MC : It seems that she spent part of her childhood in Australia—a deduction drawn from an early, doubtfully attributed novel.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


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