Bibliography: R

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Richardson, Henry Handel. Myself When Young. William Heinemann, 1948.
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Richardson, Joanna. Colette. Methuen, 1983.
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Richardson, Samuel. Clarissa. S. Richardson, 1748.
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Richardson, Samuel. Pamela. C. Rivington and J. Osborn, 1740.
Richardson, Samuel. Pamela. Editor Sabor, Peter, Penguin, 1985.
Richardson, Samuel. Selected Letters of Samuel Richardson. Editor Carroll, John, Clarendon Press, 1964.
Richardson, Samuel. Sir Charles Grandison. S. Richardson.
Richardson, Samuel. Sir Charles Grandison. Editor Harris, Jocelyn, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Richler, Emma. Feed My Dear Dogs. Vintage Canada, 2006.
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Rickard, Suzanne L. “’Living by the Pen’: Hesba Stretton’s Moral Earnings”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
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Rickman, Lydia L. “Esther Biddle and Her Mission to Louis XIV”. Friends Historical Society Journal, Vol.
, pp. 38-45.
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Riddell, Charlotte. A Life’s Assize. Tinsley Brothers, 1871.
Riddell, Charlotte. A Mad Tour. R. Bentley, 1891.
Riddell, Charlotte. A Struggle for Fame. R. Bentley and Son, 1883.
Riddell, Charlotte. Austin Friars. Tinsley Brothers, 1870.
Riddell, Charlotte. Berna Boyle. R. Bentley and Son, 1884.
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Riddell, Charlotte. Far above Rubies. Tinsley Brothers, 1867.
Riddell, Charlotte. For Dick’s Sake. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1886.